He walked from the court house a free man 他以自由之身走出了法院。
Israeli forces have evicted scores of Jewish settlers who had refused court orders to leave a house in the West Bank town of Hebron. 以色列军队将几十名犹太定居者从约旦河西岸城市希伯伦的一座房屋里驱逐出去,因为他们拒绝执行法院要求他们离开的命令。
By the way, could you tell us how to get to the Court House? 另外,你能告诉我们去法院怎么走吗?
And Mordecai walked every day before the court of the women's house, to know how Esther did, and what should become of her. 末底改天天在女院前边行走,要知道以斯帖平安不平安,并后事如何。
Then came Jeremiah from Tophet, whither the LORD had sent him to prophesy; and he stood in the court of the LORD's house; and said to all the people 耶利米从陀斐特就是耶和华差他去说预言的地方回来,站在耶和华殿的院中,对众人说
And they conspired against him, and stoned him with stones at the commandment of the king in the court of the house of the LORD. 众民同心谋害撒迦利亚,就照王的吩咐,在耶和华殿的院内用石头打死他。
Obama is known to basketball fans and build a basketball court in the White House. 奥巴马是篮球迷,在白宫成立了一个篮球协会。
The former sprint queen, dressed in a dark pinstriped suit and peach colored shirt, fought back tears as she addressed reporters, her family and friends outside the White Plains, New York court house. 这位昔日短跑女皇身着深色细条服和桃色衬杉强忍着眼泪在纽约怀特普莱恩斯法院外向记者、家人及朋友发表了讲话。
Aug.11,2009: Suu Kyi's detention is extended by18 months when a court convicts her of violating her house arrest by briefly sheltering an American intruder who swam to her house uninvited. 2009年8月11日:素姬的拘留延长了18个月,法院裁定她因暂时让一个未经请求游到她家的美国闯入者待在她家被判违反软禁。
The museum is housed in the Old Court House. 博物馆设在旧法院大楼里。
But the court boosted the lower house's vetting of euro-zone measures by obliging the government to get the consent of the Bundestag's budget committee before extending credit guarantees. 另一方面,为了推动下议院对欧元区援助方案的审查,高院要求政府在扩大信用保证前须取得议会预算委员会的同意。
I have posted the pictures of Kuching old court house at night before. 我之前曾贴过古晋旧法庭在夜幕低垂时的图片。
But according to the new interpretation issued by China's Supreme People's Court, a house bought by parents will go to their child instead of being split between the couple in case of a divorce. 但是根据中国最高人民法院的新解释,在离婚时由一方父母出资为子女购买的不动产应认定为夫妻一方的个人财产而不在双方间划分。
She gave her a hug today in the court house. 今天在法院她给了她一个拥抱。
Where was security? You can just walk into the court house carrying a pie? 安保在哪里?难道能拿着一个盘子进议会?
A few hours later, General Grant rode into the crossroads village of Appomattox Court House. 数小时后,格兰特将军骑马穿过乡间小路,来到阿波马托克斯法院的一座山村。
They set fire to the police headquarters building and also attacked a court house. 他们放火焚烧了警察总部,并攻击了一个法院。
The nicest buildings in the city are the federal court house and the city hall. 城市里最好的建筑物是联邦法院和市政厅。
Many Supreme Court and Provincial High Court Justices are now effectively under house arrest. 许多高等法院与暂时高级法院的法官都遭到软禁。
Shen-ching for the Office of Court House, thorough, and the overall structure of local styles vary; 沈厅为清式院宅,整体结构严整,局部风格各异;
The court adjudged the dead man's house to his son. 法庭把死者的房屋判给他的儿子。
The lawsuit was filed last month in Birmingham federal court against Kelley and Random House Inc. 威尔逊控告凯莉和美国“兰登书屋”出版公司(《家族:布什王朝真相》的出版商)的诉讼已于10月提交给了英国伯明翰地方法院。
The Robson Square Conference Center and the Provincial Court House building are noted for their modern architectural style. 罗宾逊广场会议中心和地方法院的现代化建筑风格,亦为世人瞩目。
And the spirit lifted me up and brought me into the inner court: and behold the house was filled with the glory of the Lord. 神力将我提起,领我进入内院。看,上主的光荣充满了圣殿。
The audience of dignitaries, including Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, former Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers and White House adviser Karl Rove, laughed. 包括美国国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德、前美国高等法院候选法官哈里特·迈尔斯和白宫政治顾问卡尔·洛夫在内的与会嘉宾都笑了。
As a court, the decision of the house of lord is binding on all other court, and the only appeal from the house of lord is to the European court of justice. 作为法院,上院的裁决对其他法院有约束力,从上院只能向欧洲法院上诉。
The third part investigates the origin of court house intermediation system, analyzes the historic reason, and acquires enlightenment. 第三部分纵向考察了我国法院调解制度的渊源,分析了具有中国特色的调解制度形成的历史原因,并从中获得了启示。
It is necessary for reforming the retrial procedure to analyze the relation of litigants, court house and procurator, in order to reform retrial procedure. 本文通过对民事再审程序与当事人、人民法院、人民检察院法律关系的研究,从而找出完善我国民事再审程序的科学途径。
The interpret ⅲ of Matrimonial Law ( Exposure draft), which is promulgated new, also stipulates specially it, in order to resolve the issue of different judge criterion, when the court divides the mortgage house. 新发布的《婚姻法解释(三)》(征求意见稿)对按揭房屋的分割也作了专门的规定,目的就是解决法院在按揭房屋产权归属分割过程中裁判尺度不一的问题。